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Top 30 Moviedle Workarounds for Playing the Movie Clip Guessing Game

After Wordle, a fun quiz game called Moviedle was made. Moviedle is like Wordle in that you watch a short clip from a movie and try to figure out what movie it is from. Here, instead of guessing a word, you have to guess the movie’s name. You can only watch 1s of footage, and scenes keep flashing across the screen. Pay close attention, and remember the important details. A tough game.

To figure out what’s going on in the movie, you have to pay close attention because time is limited, and things happen quickly. You shouldn’t do this job if you’re worried about how hard it might be. Something can be tried six times before it’s considered a failure, and each time after that, the work gets harder.

In this article, we’ll talk about Moviedle and all the things you need to know about it.

What’s Moviedle?

Crossword puzzles have become very popular since Wordle and other games like doodle, word hurdle, Josh Wardle, a software engineer from New York, made the game for his partner Palak Shah, who likes word games. Users have to figure out a new five-letter word every day.

In the last few months, new versions of the game have come out, such as Quordle, which is basically four Wordle games in one, but with more words to guess; Octordle, which is the same as Wordle, but with eight grids, and Heardle, which tests users’ music knowledge by playing the first few seconds of a new song every day.

The results of Moviedle, a new version of the game, are now being shared. On March 22, it started to work.

Like Wordle before it, this game has become a popular quiz game. It uses the basic ideas but adds a very cinematic twist. Instead of guessing a word, you have to name a movie. Doesn’t it sound easy? But there is something important to keep in mind.

The first part of this game is a one-second clip from the whole movie, which players must use to figure out the theme for the day. With each wrong answer or skip, the movie gets longer and moves more slowly.

Who Made Moviedle?

Jeremy Toeman made Moviedle. He also started the tech company AugX Labs, which works on video. When he talked to We Got This Covered, Toeman called himself a “movie nerd.” He also said that Moviedle “doesn’t need to be the hardest game. It only has to be enjoyable.”

He also said, “You make it both hard and fun.” After six tries, I want everyone to be able to use Moviedle. That’s cool if you like movies and can get them all on the first try. But if you’ve never seen this movie, the six-second clip should be enough to get you there.”

Toeman says that Moviedle was made in less than two weeks and went through a few changes before it turned into a game that people can play now. Unlike Wordle, where the word is chosen at random every day, Toeman decides which film will be the puzzle that users have to solve.

He said: “I’m picking. I basically load up 100 days’ worth of movies at once. Different things led us to make [the algorithm]. It can be used to draw, but not to choose.

How Does Moviedle Work?

The goal of the game Moviedle is to guess the name of the movie in six tries. For your first guess, you’ll see the whole movie in just one second. You won’t be able to pause or rewind this clip, so make sure to pay attention when you hit play.

You can make a guess after watching the clip or hit “skip” if you don’t know. If you guess wrong, you’ll see slower, longer versions of the movie until you get it right or run out of guesses. Like Wordle, there is only one Moviedle each day.

Moviedle Game Features

  • People are drawn in by the bright 2D graphics.
  • Simple controls that are easy to use.
  • You can unlock and choose from many different themes.
  • This PC game is fun and hard to stop playing.
  • There are different levels to finish.

How to Control Moviedle Game?

The goal of a Moviedle puzzle is to find the hidden movie by moving the image, guessing what it is, and filling in the blanks with the right answers. So, if you want to get a lot of nice rewards, you should finish the assignment as soon as possible. Best wishes.

How to Play Moviedle?

On your first guess, you’ll only have one second of film to work with. Yes, the whole movie is shown on the screen, from the beginning to the end. About ten clips will play every second to help players guess which movie of the day it is. For today, all you need to know about a movie is its name. Before you fail, you can try six times, and each new try will slow things down a little. Moviedle will give you more time to watch the movie if you don’t guess the right title. The length of the hint clips keeps getting longer until the sixth turn, when they are all six seconds long. Like Wordle, there is only one Moviedle each day.

After you guess the right movie (or fail to do so), you can try the puzzles from the previous day by clicking the calendar icon in the upper right corner. When you click the button next to the calendar, you can see your statistics, like how many times you’ve played, when your winning streak ended, and what percentage of games you’ve won.

Moviedle also gives you links to the film’s IMDb page and places where you can watch the streaming version if you want to learn more about it or just watch it at the normal speed. Because it has so many things to do, this Wordle game is great for people who like Wordle and want to learn more about movies. Moviedle is not the same as Framed, which shows stills from movies. The stills become clearer as more clues are asked for.

How to Win at Moviedle?

Do you want to know how to win at Moviedle? First, it’s important to have a general idea of how Moviedle works. The point of the game is to figure out which movie each clue is referring to. You get points for every correct answer, and the game is over when you either reach the goal score or run out of clues.

You shouldn’t try to get every clue right. This is important to remember. Most of the time, it’s best to just make a good guess and move on. Don’t worry too much if you can’t figure out a clue. Just make your best guess and move on.

Use the fact that there are more than one right answer to the question. If you have four choices, always go with the first one that comes to mind. Your first thought will be right most of the time. Lastly, keep in mind that practise makes perfect! You’ll get better at Moviedle if you play it a lot.

3 Things that Make you Can’t Miss Moviedle

An Interface That’s Easy to Use:

Every video game has something called an interface that connects the player to the system. Without a way to play it, a video game wouldn’t work. In the video game business, interfaces are very important. It’s where important things are kept, like codes and languages.

Interfaces for video games are hard to use at first. The developer is responsible for making the codes and languages easier to understand so that players can use them. The developer has done a great job in this area. Players don’t need to waste time trying to figure out secret codes. Players can start watching the movie of the day as soon as they go to the interface.

A lot of interaction
Moviedle has a feature that lets you show off to your friends that you guessed today’s movie correctly. When you get it right, a share button will show up on the screen. You can share it by clicking on it. Because of this, the more people share and interact with it, the more users it gets, which makes it even more popular.

Movie Storage Feature
Do you want to know if I can still play the puzzles from before? The right answer is yes. After you’ve played most of the other Wordle-like games, it’s easy to go back and play the Moviedle puzzle from the day before. To go back to the day before, click the calendar icon in the top right corner of the screen. You can do this even on the screen where you see if you win or lose.

Is It Possible to Play Previous Moviedles?

After you guess the right movie, you can try the puzzles from the day before by clicking the calendar icon in the upper right corner. When you click the button next to the calendar, you can see your statistics, such as how many times you’ve played, when your winning streak ended, and what percentage of games you’ve won.

Moviedle also gives you links to the film’s IMDb page and places where you can watch the streaming version if you want to learn more about it or just watch it at the normal speed. This Wordle game is great for people who like Wordle and want to learn more about movies because it has so many things to do. Moviedle is different from Framed, which shows movie stills. As more clues are asked for, the stills become more clear.

Pros and Cons of Moviedle

Moviedle is a new game where you have to guess the movie. Here are some good and bad things about the service:


There are a lot of movies to choose from.
There are no commercials or advertisements.
There is no fee to sign up or pay each month.


  • It only shows a one-second clip of the movie, which makes it harder to figure out what the movies are.
  • When you can’t move forward, it can be hard to enjoy the game.
  • You might not have enough time for it.

Is Moviedle Inspired by Wordle?

Just by looking at the name of the game, you can tell that Moviedle is a direct copy of Wordle. More specifically, the people who made the movie “Guessing Game” say that both “Wordle” and “Heardle” were important to them. It uses the idea and structure of Wordle, but it uses Heardle’s feature of showing short clips for each guess.


Moviedle is a fun new game where you have to make the best movie you can with a limited budget. It’s a great way to find out how creative you are and how well you can work under pressure. We think it’s a lot of fun, and we hope you do too!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How does Moviedle work?

The goal of the game Moviedle is to guess the name of the movie in six tries. For your first guess, you'll see the whole movie in just one second. You won't be able to pause or rewind this clip, so make sure to pay attention when you hit play.

Is there a movie version of Wordle?

Framed is like Wordle, but it uses images from movies instead of words. Like the letter game, this one has you try to win by putting together six pictures from the same movie. But you only get one guess per frame, which makes this game different. Once you make a guess, the frame changes to a different shot from the same movie.

Is Moviedle safe for kids?

Moviedle is a safe place for kids to play games and watch movie clips. The developer uses the latest security measures to keep your child's information safe. They don't let ads from other companies show up on the official site.

What is the category of the Moviedle game?

This game is like a movie wordle, and it's fun for people of all ages. This category is where you can find more games like Wordle. Because Wordle is so popular, these games have gone viral in only a few days.


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